![[An attempt to outline intentional living#^c1f6fb]]
The term *product* originates from the Latin word *productus*, the past participle of *producere*, which means to lead, bring forth, or produce.
In essence, a product is the output of a process. Without a process, there can be no product. The quality of a product is often closely tied to the quality of the process that creates it. Poor processes typically yield poor products, while well-designed and well-executed processes are likely to produce high-quality results.
A well-designed process stems from informed decisions, which require a deep understanding of both the [[Problem space]] and the [[Solution space]]. Gaining this understanding demands thorough [[Knowledge crunching]]. Therefore, designing a process is itself a process, one of refining our grasp of actions, outputs, outcomes, missions, and visions.
In the end, products are simply outputs.